Campus Operations

A. Increase waste diversion and minimize waste by developing new, innovative programs and expanding access to reducing, recycling, and composting across campus.
- Provide opportunities for composting and recycling across all areas of campus with an emphasis on underserved areas
- Leverage business intelligence tools and annual waste audits to increase transparency and reporting on the lifecycle of materials management from procurement to waste
- Reduce the sale of single use plastic at all campus outlets
- Install standardized waste systems with consistent messaging across all areas of campus
- Install additional water bottle refill stations both indoors and outdoors with an emphasis in the residence halls to encourage the use of reusables
- Assemble a team to develop purchasing and performance standards that encourage waste reduction
- Prioritize sourcing products that are made with recycled content and products that are recyclable and/or commercially compostable
B. Expand zero-waste initiatives throughout campus.
- Conduct a zero-waste feasibility study and/or audit to gain a better understanding of campus waste streams
- Assemble a team to develop university-wide, zero-waste standards
- Provide incentives to pursue zero-waste practices
C. Engage the campus community through increased education and targeted outreach to reduce waste.
- Organize Registered Student Organizations, classes, and department workshops and tabling events to share tools and strategies for waste reduction and resource sharing
- Incorporate waste reduction tips into digital and physical messaging across campus, social media platforms, and alongside waste stations and water refill stations
- Integrate sustainability education and waste reduction resources for incoming students
- Support and advance the Pass It On* program to further educate residents, increase donations, and decrease items sent to the landfill
- Incorporate waste reduction resources into faculty and staff orientation and Green Office* Certification programs